Brute Force and Testing Your Password

It's essential to understand how brute force attacks work and how to test the strength of your passwords. Brute force attacks involve systematically trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. By testing your passwords against such attacks, you can ensure they are robust and secure.

Testing Your Password

Choose a mode to test your password against brute force attacks. The Simple Brute Force mode tests all possible character combinations, the Dictionary Attack mode uses common passwords and phrases, and the Hybrid Attack mode combines dictionary words with variations like numbers and symbols.

The Excalibur Method

The Excalibur method calculates the strength of your password by analyzing its complexity and predictability. Enter your password to check its strength. This method ensures your password is strong enough to withstand various types of attacks.

Why Brute Force Testing Matters

Brute force testing helps you understand the resilience of your password. Weak passwords can be easily cracked, leading to unauthorized access and potential data breaches. Regularly testing and updating your passwords enhances your security.

Test your Mojo

Choose a mode to test your password against brute force attacks. The Simple Brute Force mode tests all possible character combinations, the Dictionary Attack mode uses common passwords and phrases.

Password Attempts Mode Time

Password Excalibur

Password Excalibur is a tool designed to assess the strength of your password. It evaluates various factors including length, complexity, and predictability to give you a comprehensive strength score.

To use Password Excalibur, simply enter your password and click the "Test it" button. The tool will analyze your password and provide a detailed result, highlighting areas where your password is strong and suggestions for improvement.


How to Create or Generate a Strong Password

Creating a strong password is crucial to protect your personal and financial information from cyber threats. Here’s a concise guide on how to create robust passwords that can effectively safeguard your online accounts.

Characteristics of a Strong Password

A strong password should be long, complex, unpredictable, and unique. Aim for at least 12-16 characters with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid easily guessable information like birthdays or common words. Each password should be unique to a specific account to prevent multiple accounts from being compromised.

Steps to Create a Strong Password

Start with a memorable base phrase, then add complexity by substituting some letters with numbers and symbols. For example, "GreenDolphinSwims2024!" becomes "Gr33nD0lph!nSw!ms2024!" This method ensures your password is both strong and memorable.

Managing Multiple Passwords

Using a password manager helps manage multiple unique passwords. These tools store and autofill passwords, so you only need to remember one master password. Popular options include LastPass, 1Password and Bitwarden

Rune Translator

Transform your password into leetspeak for added security. Simply enter your password, and the converter will change it into a more secure, leetspeak version.

This enhances your password's strength by replacing common characters with numbers and symbols.

Your runeword:

Picture Magic

Upload a photo, and our app will convert it into a secure password.

This unique method transforms visual information into a strong, complex password, enhancing your online security with ease.

Your Password:

Creating Unique Usernames

Creating a unique and memorable username is important for your online identity. A good username should reflect your personality while being secure and difficult to guess.

Tips for Creating Usernames

Use a combination of adjectives and nouns to create unique usernames. Consider using descriptive words that reflect your interests or characteristics. Avoid using personal information such as your real name or birthdate.

Username Generators

Username generators can help create unique usernames by combining random adjectives and nouns. These tools ensure that your username is distinctive and not easily guessed. You can select up to two groups of adjectives and a group of nouns, or let the generator create a random combination for you.

Identity Wizardry

Create a unique username by selecting up to two groups of adjectives and a group of nouns, or let the generator create a random combination for you.

Ensure your username is unique and reflects your identity for a personalized online experience.


Glyph Sorcery

Generate your own safe password with a length of your choice. The password is a random combination of letters, numbers and symbols to ensure the safety of your account.

Your Password: